James Wyatt F.R.I.C.S.
James was formerly Head of Valuation at John D Wood & Co. and needed an accurate index for his valuation work, as the existing indices were opinion based and unreliable. With the help of Professor Gibbons he created the first index to use exchange data and this has proved to be the most accurate indices for use at court and tribunal. Later Dr Bracke joined and this led to the creation of a rental and yield indices using rents achieved per square foot. He has degrees in economics and is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment.
Professor Gibbons
Steve has an extensive publication list in urban economics and real estate, has a detailed knowledge of econometrics and is Director of the Spatial Economics Research Centre at
the London School of Economics. He created the John D Wood & Co. indices with James.
His research concentrates on quantitative spatial analysis applied to education, transport and housing. His personal page can
be viewed here
Professor Paul Cheshire - Advisory consultant
Paul is one of the most widely respected economic geographers in Europe, and an expert in the application of economics to planning, housing and other spatial policy issues. He has won
numerous academic awards and prizes. Please click here for his personal page.
Dr Olmo Silva (Associate Professor) - Advisory consultant
Olmo is one of the UK’s leading urban economists and has a strong interest in econometrics, and real estate finance. Please click here for his personal page.